Project Description

It is part of the 750 / 790 series slide rail system, which is used with the cut & lower working method. It is used in cases where shoring of all four sides of the excavation is required, for the construction of e.g. pump stations, underground reservoirs etc.

The system’s main components are:

The corner slide rails: 790 series single rails, 750 series double Standard rails, 750 series double MEGA rails (heavy duty) and double top (extension) rails in both Standard and Mega version.

The plates: base (height 2.35 m) and extension (height 1.35 m) plates in lengths from 2.00 to 6.00 m, in normal version (thickness 107 mm) and reinforced (thickness 130 mm). The plates are also available in a cast-in-situ version, for cases that the system will also work as an external formwork for concreting.

In the event that the pit side dimensions are longer than the length of the largest plate (6.00 m), we can extend the shoring side dimensions by using intermediate slide rails with rolling struts and additional plates. If the struts become obstacles to the construction, we can use the SBH clamping devices and waller beams, to anchor the rear side of the slide rails and extract the struts from the pit.

All contents and technical specifications are subject to alterations without prior notice.
Slide rail special solutions

Indicative draft drawing of pit shoring structure 750 series.

Indicative draft drawing of pit shoring structure 750 series with intermediate slide rails